Lectio for chapter 8

heart fire Psalm 51

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving-kindness; *
in your great compassion blot out my offenses.
Wash me through and through from my wickedness *
and cleanse me from my sin.
Against you only have I sinned *
and done what is evil in your sight.
And so you are justified when you speak *
and upright in your judgement.
Indeed, I have been wicked from my birth, *
a sinner from my mother’s womb.
For behold, you look for truth deep within me, *
and will make me understand wisdom secretly.
Purge me from my sing, and I shall be pure; *
wash me, and I shall be clean indeed.
Make me hear of joy and gladness, *
that the body you have broken may rejoice.
Hide your face from my sins *
and blot out all my iniquities.
Create in my a clean heart, O God, *
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from your presence *
and take not your holy Spirit from me.

Lectio and meditatio 1
*  Read the passage slowly, silently or aloud, and take a few minutes for silent reflection.
*  Now identify a word or phrase that catches your attention.
*  In your journal, write down any words that touch you.

Lectio and meditatio 2
*  Read the passage slowly a second time, and again take a few minutes for reflection.
*  Ask yourself, “How does this passage speak to my life today?”
*  Write down your response.

Lectio and meditatio 3
*  Read the passage a third time, and once again take a few minutes for reflection.
*  Ask yourself, “What do I believe God wants me to do or be? Is God inviting me to change in any way?”
* Write down your response.

Oratio and contemplatio
*  Conclude with prayer (not a prayer of words, but a time of remaining open to the Spirit who has spoken to you through the Scripture).
*  You may wish to write down thoughts, images, and insights that came in your time of prayer.

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