Walking the Road of Lent – Step 4


St. Benedict teaches: life in community requires humility. 

Sister Joan Chittister teaches: *

Our society ranks people by the power they hold – but we can learn to live by the Gospel.

The Gospel tells us that arrogance is destructive of the human spirit.  Humility calls us to let God be God in our personal lives, and so to take our proper place among all the creatures of the earth.

Humility says that we must all learn

  • to listen and to hear…
  • to negotiate rather than to force…
  • to trust rather than to terrorize…

Where do we practice humility?

  • in our faith communities…
  • in our neighborhoods…
  • in our nations..
  • in the world around us, with all its creatures…


What practice could help you get away from “me” –

so you could open yourself more fully to others?

On to step 5:



*   For more, see Wisdom Distilled from the Daily, by Joan Chittister OSB
(Harper San Francisco, 1990).


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