Lectio Divina for Groups

Lectio Divina, or ‘Holy Reading’, is an ancient monastic practice – a slow, meditative way of prayerfully reading a passage from Holy Scripture.

When a group comes together for Lectio Divina, greet each other warmly and then find  comfortable places to sit.  Choose one member of the group to be leader or time-keeper.  Then let the silence of the Spirit settle upon you during the opening (centering) prayer.



Opening (Centering) Prayer (5 minutes)


Reflecting on the Word (20 minutes)

One person reads the passage aloud.

• As the passage is read, each person identifies a word or phrase that catches his or her attention.

• Around the circle, each person shares that word or phrase with the group. (The rest of the group listens in silence; no discussion.)

A second person reads the passage aloud.

• As the passage is read, each person identifies how this passage touches his or her own life.

• Around the circle, each shares how the passage touches his or her life (again, no discussion).

A third person reads the passage aloud.

• In silence, each person identifies how this passage speaks to the world we live in.

• Each shares what the passage says to him or her about the needs of the world (again, no discussion).


Conversing with the Word (30 minutes)

The leader asks, “What would we like our faith community to hear from this lesson?”

• The group sits again in silent prayer.

• The leader asks the question again. Open sharing and discussion follows.

• The leader may summarize what has been said.

Closing Prayer
(5 minutes)

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