Introducing Process Theology

Rabbi Bradley Artson
God of Becoming and Relationship

A summary of Artson’s introduction, pp. xv – xvi: 

Process Philosophy is a  systematic approach to making sense of the world –
not just one aspect of it, but the world as a whole.

Process Theology integrates religion and science in a way that respects both disciplines as valid ways to relate to the world – and to each other.

Process methodology is based on the following convictions:

about the world: 

The world and God are expressions of continuous change, which is dynamic and relational.

We and the world are not solid substances, but recurrent patterns of energy; we change continually, but also maintain continuity from moment to moment.

To exist in this world is to be self-determining, interconnected, and creative to some degree.

*  We relate to each and all creation instantaneously and intuitively, responding  to the decisions of others – and to the events of the world around us – even as we ourselves are re-created in each instant.

*  We are interconnected, each to each and each to all.  Therefore, all creation has value and dignity.

about God:

* God is the One who makes all relationships possible.  God creates the openness of a future of real novelty and the variety of its possibilities, and God relates to each of us in our particular individuality.

*  God’s communication with human beings is a living, growing process. Therefore, God’s revelation is relational, ongoing, and continuous.

*  God’s revelation calls us to make decisions which will maximize justice, compassion, and love.

* God’s primary mode of power is persuasive, not coercive.  Therefore, we too are called to be persuasive, not coercive.

* God is the One who invites us – and empowers us – to make the best decisions for our personal flourishing and for our mutual flourishing.

* God invites us – and everything in the cosmos – to be co-creators in fashioning the present, out of the possibilities offered by the future, and out of the constraints imposed by the past.

About faith:

*  Commitment to this creative process requires faithfulness, which rises above any faith (doctrine or creed).




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