Discussion questions for Ch 1

CONNECT:  How do you feel?

1.  C
onversions: McFague writes of four ‘conversions’ that changed her own views about God and the world.  As you look back to your own childhood, what shaped your image of God? As you reflect on your adult life, what ‘conversions’ have you experienced (spiritual or otherwise)?  How did they change your image of God?  How did they change the way you see the world?

2.  Your worldview:  What do you value, aspire to, pursue, cling to?

3.  Your credo: 
What are some of your own deeply held beliefs?

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Reading Chapter 2: Theology Matters

Every Christian is called to be a theologian, but be careful:


·         Any theology can become enmeshed– tied to nationalism, racism, sexism, commercialism, etc.


·         When a theology rejects diversity and ignores the ways culture influences ideas about God, postmodernists*  will regard that theology as empty and even dangerous.


·         When theologies defend social, political, or economic systems that oppress the poor (or  racial minorities, ethnic groups,  women, gays, etc.), liberation theologians* will view a theology’s ‘universal truths’ as partial and biased.  


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Discussion questions for Ch 2

CONNECT: How do you feel?

McFague says ‘every Christian is called to be a theologian.’ (p. 25)  She also says that theology requires us to examine our deepest faith-convictions, to see whether our core beliefs are worthy of allegiance.  Can you remember a time when you questioned your beliefs?


Think of a time when a deeply-held belief shaped the way you acted.  What did you do or say, and what happened next?  Did you think through your beliefs before you acted?  Do you wish you had?


What dangers (if any) lie in not bringing our deepest beliefs into view? 


How can we hold strong faith-convictions without idolizing them?


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Discussion questions for Ch 3

Be careful how you interpret the world. It is like that.
(Erich Heller, quoted in  
Life Abundant  p. 39, 67)

CONNECT: How do you feel?

1.  Can you think of a revelatory experience in your own life, an event or insight that changed the way you think and act?   Share your experience with someone else, or write it down in a comment.

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Reading Chapter 4 (Part 1)

The Context of Planetary Theology


As we move on in Life Abundant, we will consider two economic worldviews, two interpretations of how the world works.  Each interpretation is based on the assumptions of a different historical period.


  • The first economic worldview arose in the 18th century, but the structures of our western society – our assumptions, institutions and laws – still rest on this worldview.  It pictures our planet as a collection of individuals, each striving to benefit from the world’s natural resources.  In this worldview, humans dominate the system and the planet operates like a machine, with all its parts externally related to each other. 


  • The second economic worldview arose in the 20th century.  It pictures our planet as a community – human and nonhuman – that survives and prospers through the interrelationship of its many parts, which are internally related to each other.  In this worldview, the planet operates like an organism, and humans are the conscious part of the body. 

Life Abundant argues that the first economic worldview hurts the poor and the natural world, while the second worldview would be healthier for the planet and all its inhabitants.   However, it will be difficult for us to see the problems of our current worldview; it feels so ‘natural’ to us.  It will also be difficult for us to appreciate the dire circumstances of our deteriorating planet (as well as the desperate situation of so many human beings) unless we adopt a new worldview.


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Reading Chapter 4 (Part 2)

The neo-classic economic worldview and the consumer society


We are consumers:  Our economics inherited its worldview from religion and political theory.  Religion contributed the idea of the sacredness of the individual; political theory contributed the idea of the ‘rights of man,’ or individual rights. Economics combined these ideas to create a new creature: homo oeconomicus – the human being who has the freedom to pursue his or her own personal economic interests. 


But in the 18th century, when neo-classical economic theory first arose, people lived within communities.  In the 21st century, most of us see ourselves as individuals.  Our assumptions about human life no longer begin with a strong sense of connection with others; we see personal financial and personal fulfillment as our primary right. 


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